Katsina Postal Code, Post Office Locations

The Katsina State postal code ranges from 820001 to 833102, while the NIPOST Headquarters code number is 820001. This state is located in the northern part of Nigeria and is divided into 34 local government areas, each of which has a unique postal code or ZIP code assigned by the postal service.

The Katsina State postal code, or ZIP code, is a six-digit number generated by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST). These codes are used for sorting mail and facilitating delivery. They help determine the precise location for parcel or mail delivery, and you can use them to send and receive packages within and outside the country.

Find below the list of Katsina State LGAs and their postal codes or ZIP codes, along with their post office addresses:

Katsina Postal Code By LGA

LGAPostal CodePost Office Address
Bakori 831101Bakori Katsina Road
Batagarawa 820102
Batsari 820106
Baure 820105
Bindawa 820105
Charanchi 822104
Dan Musa 821104
Dandume 830103
Danja 831102
Daura 824101 – 824281Shaiskawa Kano Road, Daura
Dutsi 823103
Dutsin-Ma 821101Unguwar Alkali Safana Road, Dutsinma
Faskari 830102Faskari- Daudawa Road
Funtua 830101 – 831266No. 2 Zaria Road Funtua
Ingawa 823104
Jibia 820104 – 820105
Kafur 832103
Kaita 820103
Kankara 832102
Kankia 822101
Katsina 820101 – 820281Fed.Coll.of Edu, IBB Way, Katsina
Kurfi 821103
Kusada 822102
Mai’Adua 824102
Malumfashi 832101Malumfashi-Kano Road, Malumfashi
Mani 823101
Sabon Layi Magami Road, Mani
Mashi 823102
Matazu 833102
Musawa 833101
Rimi 822103
Sabuwa 830104
Safana 821103
Sandamu 824103
Zango 824104

If your local government does not have a post office, you can visit the general post office located in the state capital.

Katsina Postal Code vs. ZIP Code Difference

Both ZIP code and postal code serve the same purpose. The only difference is that ZIP code describes the postal numbering system used in the United States and the Philippines, while the postal code is used in other countries such as Canada, South Africa, China, the UK, Nigeria, etc.