Postal Code for Plateau Nigeria

The postal code for Plateau State is 930001 – 942108 for its local government areas, while the NIPOST Headquarters code number is 930001. This state is located in the North Central Zone of Nigeria and is divided into 17 local government areas, each of which has a unique postal code or ZIP code assigned by the postal service.

The Plateau State postal code, or ZIP code, is a six-digit number generated by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST). These codes are used for sorting mail and facilitating delivery. They help determine the precise location for parcel or mail delivery, and you can use them to send and receive packages within and outside the country.

Find below the list of Plateau State LGAs and their postal codes, or ZIP codes, along with their post office addresses. Note that some LGAs in this state have no post office, so you’ll need to go to the general office.

Plateau State Postal Code

Plateau State Postal Code

LGAPostal CodePost Office
Barkin Ladi 931102 – 931241Koros Along Mangu Road, Barikin Lad
Bassa 930111 – 930119
Bokkos 932109 – 932116Mayi Area Daffo Bokkos L G A
Jos East 930106 – 930110
Jos North 930105 – 930281Ahmadu Bello Way
Jos South 930101 – 930104Rahwol Kanang Along Jos Road
Kanam 942101 – 942104Jarmai Road, Dengi
Kanke 933107 – 933112Kawum Village Along Jos Road, Amper
Langtang North 941101 – 941112Doriot Along Yelwa Road, Langtang
Langtang South 941104Mabudi Lang Building Street
Mangu 932101 – 932108Derdep Cemetary Road, Mangu
Mikang 940105 – 940108Unguwar Sarki Along Langtang Road, Garkawa
Pankshin 933101 – 933106Unguwar Galadima Post Office Road
Qua’an Pan 940109 – 940116Kopdong Along Ba’ap Road
Riyom 931107 – 931108
Shendam 940101 – 940107Unguwar Jarawa Along Garkawa Road, Yelwa-Ishar
Wase 942105 – 942108Langtan Rd wase

If your local government does not have a post office, you can visit the general post office located in the state capital.

Remember: ZIP codes and postal codes both do the same thing. The only difference is that ZIP code is used in the United States and the Philippines, while postal code is used in other countries like Canada, South Africa, China, the UK, Nigeria, and so on.