Yobe State Postcode Map

The postcode for Yobe State is 620001 – 632102 for its local government areas, while the NIPOST Headquarters code number is 620001. ZIP codes, postcodes, and postal codes both do the same thing. The only difference is that ZIP code is used in the United States and the Philippines, while postal code is used in other countries like Canada, South Africa, China, the UK, Nigeria, and so on.

Yobe State is located in northeastern Nigeria and is divided into 17 local government areas, each of which has a unique postal code or ZIP code assigned by the postal service.

Find below the list of Yobe State LGAs and their postal codes, or ZIP codes, along with their post office addresses. Note that some LGAs in this state have no post office, so you’ll need to go to the general office.

Yobe State Postcode

LGAPostcodePost Office Address
Bade 631101Damaturu Road Gashua
Bursari 620103
Damaturu 620101 – 620261Potiskum road Damaturu
Fika 622104
Fune 622105
Geidam 632101Gashua road Geidam
Gujba 621101
Gulani 621102
Jakusko 631102
Karasuwa 630103
Machina 630102
Nangere 622102 – 622103
Nguru 630101 – 630281Gashua road Nguru
Potiskum 622101Off Bauchi Road
Tarmuwa 620102
Yunusari 632102
Yusufari 631103

If your local government does not have a post office, you can visit the general post office located in the state capital, Damaturu.

The Yobe State postal code, or ZIP code, is a six-digit number generated by the Nigeria Postal Service (NIPOST). These codes are used for sorting mail and speeding up delivery. They help determine the precise location for parcel or mail delivery, and you can use them to send and receive packages within and outside the country.